Thursday, March 1, 2012

Something Good Will Happen

Author’s Note: I wrote this essay based on the whole writing and prediction on the reading rubric. The purpose of this new scene is to show my prediction on what is going to happen later on while reading Until the End, by Christopher Pike. I wrote the scene based off of the prom because that is the next main thing that is about to happen.
                Jessica walked up to her and Michael’s locker, well now hers. Wishing she would see him there so they could talk. She needed to talk to him about everything, about Alice. Good thing prom is coming up and we both don’t have a date. At the movies I will try to see if he would want to go with me.
                “Hey, Jessica” Michael said walking over to his old locker.
                “Hi. Michael, I was just about to go look for you!”
                “Oh cool. So I can’t wait to go to that movie with you. I need to ask you something there.”
                Could this be it? Jessica thought to herself. Prom? Is he going to ask me to go with him? Oh I hope so. “Oh okay. Pick you up around 6 o’clock.” She smiled and yet off to her class.
                Bubba came up behind Michael and gave him a scare. “So did you ask her to prom yet?”Bubba asked.
                “No, at the movies I will. Kay?”
                “Okay, but hurry up. I hear there are a lot of guys that want to get with her and you know that too, Michael.”
                “Yeah I know. I just want it to be at the right moment in time you know?”
                “Yeah okay Mike. Well I will see you later. Don’t forget to make it smooth and romantic, girls like that.” Bubba went off and Michael was thinking about how he was going to ask her to prom. He didn’t know how to ask a girl out even! He hasn’t ever really done that. How can the smartest guy in school not know how to do something even the dumbest guys can do?
                Later on at lunch Jessica caught Michael’s attention and waved him and Bubba over to sit by her, so he did. Polly and Sara were sitting at the table as well. At first it was awkward for Jessica to see Michael even though she just talked to him about an hour before. Was it that she might have actually liked him? Or was it because he was the guy that Alice wanted to hook her u with? Well that didn’t matter at the moment. It was about what he wanted to ask her at the movies. Jessica couldn’t get that out of her head. Prom prom prom prom prom prom prom… was all that was streaming through her head when she though Michael.
                “Hi” Michael and Bubba said as they sat down. Starting a conversation Bubba started talking about prom to the girls. Right when he said ‘prom’ Jessica looked at Michael and blushed. Michael knew she would say yes now. But he still needed to figure out how to ask.
                Later on that day Michael moved back into his old locker with Jessica. Jessica saw him putting his books in and was confused.
                “Did they kick you out or what? “ Jessica laughed.
                “No, I just decided I liked having a locker buddy” he looked up and smiled.
                “I do too” blushing and smiling Jessica thought to herself it is so obvious that I like him; mine as well just tattoo it across my face!
                On Saturday Jessica picked up Michael and they went off to the movies. Michael looked at Jessica and started laughing and smiling.
                “What?” she asked.
                “I just can’t believe you want to go see a movie with me” Michael told her.
                “How come?”
                “I don’t know. I just can’t.” Once they got out of the car Michael said “Now for my question.”
                Jessica’s heart was racing.
                “Will you go to prom, with me?”
                This was it! “Yes!” She said with an ear to ear grin on her face. So it was final. Michael and Jessica were going to prom together.
                Only if Alice knew, she would be jumping with joy and excitement. Michael thought to himself. “So which movie are we seeing?” He smiled and they both went into the theater.
                So that was that. We are official now. Locker buddies and prom dates, could this week get any better? Jessica kept thinking.

1 comment:

  1. I love this scene. I think it relates to a very modern day topic. I liked how the seen has appropriate language and grammar. Great job!
