Friday, March 9, 2012

Being Novalee

Author's Note: I wrote this to show my description of Novalee in her point of view from Where the Heart Is, by Blilie Letts. The purpose of this piece is to show my thoughts in how the character would describe herself to someone.
I am not the average 17 year old. I am Novalee. A 17 year old girl that is pregnant. My belly is full of life. It is as round as a beach ball. My extraordinary brown hair falls past my shoulders, resembling a mud waterfall coming off of my head. I look in the mirror and see a fat teen, all thanks to Willy Jack. My heart is dead; the only thing that is keeping me alive is my baby.
I have no family. My mom left me all alone. As my stomach grows just like a beach ball being blown up; once deflated now a sphere. I am all alone with the lonesome store of Wal-Mart at night. Being 17 and pregnant really changes a girl. One day my stomach will go “pop”! And my beautiful baby girl will be brought into this large, graceful land called Earth. I am scared to death though! What if I never find a father for my baby? What if my baby doesn’t make it? I will end up being Sandra Bullock after Jessie James left her, lonely. But I shall be strong, just like the Incredible Hulk.


  1. I love this character description. You really show the reader, rather than just telling them. You use a lot of imagery and I think this deserves a 10 in word choice and context!

  2. I really like how you used many types of figurative language in this piece! If I never read this book before I would definitely know what this character looks like! I love how you in-cooperated the plot of the story also! If I graded it, it would get a 10!
