Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gone Forever

Author’s Note: This is a response to the two pomes “Big Yellow Taxi”, by Joni Mitchell and “Field Below”, by Regina Spektor. The purpose is to show the mood and tone of both compared to one another. As well as the author’s purpose. And lastly the mood/tone music to the poem in compared or contrast to the text. Also this piece is my piece that I would like to have graded on the writing rubric.
            The two poems “Big Yellow Taxi”, by Joni Mitchell and “Field Below”, by Regina Spektor both have the same mood of sympathy. Yet the purpose for “Big Yellow Taxi”, in my opinion, is to show that you shouldn’t take things for granted because the next day it might be gone. And the “Field Below” purpose is that she was sad that something was gone and lost.
For the tone in both I believe that it is devastated, sad or irked in a way. A quote from “Big Yellow Taxi” that I find to show sadness would be “Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got, till it's gone” I feel as if she is trying to tell the people that you don’t really seem to know you have something until it is gone from your life and always appreciate it because someday it might not be there anymore. And a quote from “Field Below” that shows sadness would be “I wish I'd see a field below”.  This shows that she wishes she could have something back, yet she can’t because it is gone now.
            I feel as if the song for “Big Yellow Taxi” isn’t what you would think it would be. It was very upbeat and you wouldn’t really imagine the lyrics to be as sad as they are. Yet for “Field Below” the song was what you thought it would be. Very mellow and slow. It shows that you can take a very sympathetic song and make it sound happy, or sad. In my opinion, I feel as if the song for “Big Yellow Taxi” ruined the purpose and tone/mood overall because of how sad the poem is. But for “Field Below” I thought that the song really fitted the poem and was very intelligent because of how well it was tied together.

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