Monday, April 23, 2012

He Left Her All Alone

Author’s Note: This essay is about Where the Heart Is, by Billie Letts causes and effects of Willy Jack leaving Novalee at Wal-Mart. The purpose of this essay is to as well inform how I think certain people changed the life of Novalee and helped her though everything she is going through. This essay is also what I would like to be graded on the writing rubric.
                The definition of stranded is left behind, which is exactly what Willy Jack did to Novalee. He left her stranded at Wal-Mart. He ditched his non-born baby as well as his 17 year old pregnant girlfriend. Willy Jerk should be his name! Novalee was left there just like an unwanted puppy you see in cardboard boxes on the side of the street, sad, lonely, lost, and hopeless.
                First thing you do imagine yourself being left all alone at Wal-Mart, just like Novalee from Where the Heart Is, by Bille Letts. She was 17 years old and being 7 months pregnant, just like Novalee is. Where would you go? I know where she went, Wal-Mart. This is where she lives. She has met a lady named Sister Brother there during the day. Sister Brother has helped her though the war Novalee has been going through with herself. Yet I wonder what life would be like is Willy Jack hadn’t left her. Would he still be a jerk? Or would be finally have a soul and care for her once again? We will never know, we can only guess.
                Even thought becoming all alone and being so young of age, it can really change a person. It has changed Novalee dramatically. She has Sister Husband, Forney, and Americus to help her though. They all help her out with different aspects of her growing up into an adult. Sister Husband helps her with being a mother and skills of being an adult. Forney, in my eyes, helps her with the struggles of Willy Jack and leaving her. Then Americus has helped her love. Since Americus is her baby, she helps her with being a mother as well.
              In conclusion of Willy Jack leaving Novalee, you realize that the effect was the Novalee changed and got a better life its seems like. Yet if you really think about it, Wily Jack leaving Novalee might have been the best thing to happen, for the both of them, including Americus.

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