Tuesday, March 20, 2012

You Left

Author's Note: This is a parody to the poem, Just to Stay. This poem is based off of Where the Heart Is, by Billie Letts.
By: Kaitlin and Claudia
I’m so sad you left,
I don’t know how to tell you this.

Why did you leave me?
I am all alone with no one,

You also left our baby,
Why did you?
Did you think you could get away with that?

But now I found a guy,
He is wonderful,
Better than you.

I am happy you left,
Our baby is beautiful,
And I have her all to myself.

This is a piece about Where the Heart is by Billie Letts. This parody resembles the poem “Mother to Sun” by William Carlos Williams. The speaker in this parody is Novalee. She is saying this to Willy Jack because he left her at Wal-Mart, 17 years old and 7 months pregnant. The tone of this parody at first would be sad and depressed, but at the end of it it’s more of a happy and relieved. The mood of this poem is miserable at first but then it gets joyful. It’s kind of that “Haha, in your face” type of parody.


  1. I think this was a very well thought out parody. Great job! This really relates to the story were reading. How accurate!
