Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Growing as a Whole

Author's Note: This essay is about Melinda and how she is a dynamic character. The purpose is to show you the reason of what I believe to be how she shows to be developing.
         Melinda from Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson shows her dynamic character development growth throughout the reading of this book. Melinda can help you grow as a person or a whole. I know she has taught me to grow from mistakes. Because she had suffered from a wild high school party. During it she was founded by a gorgeous high school guy. He decided to go in the woods with her, she did because he was a god. This "god" was doing stuff to her she didn't like. She tried screaming yet he covered her mouth. Once she got free, she cracked, she called the cops. That's when it all happened. Her feelings and emotions were locked up, and she needed to express them. Only one problem, she has no friends now and is starting high school.
         While Melinda is suffering from depression at her school, her parents don't notice anything. I believe she should have told someone that would have cared. For example Rachelle or her parents. Even a counselor! She is depressed not just because of what happened, but it seems like because she is in a horrible atmosphere for a girl who has no friends and is trying to survive a life in high school. Yet in art class, she was assigned to make a tree. I believe that during the reading, she starts to understand what the tree is in her mind and how it can relate to her.
         An example of her showing her understanding of the tree and how it is growing upon her. A tree starts off frail, similar to Melinda and how she is scared of everything around her because if can snap her at any given point. Then the tree starts to get stronger in itself because it is growing, just like when Melinda told Rachelle about what happened. That let Melinda become a stronger whole, which also shows how she is a dynamic character. Also because she changed her belief in people around her. Yet near the end of the book, she is a fully grown tree, secure of being itself. Not afraid that much as before.
        After all, because Melinda told Rachelle about what happened. It lead up to more drama for her. Even though it was a smart choice, it might have been better to have told her before. But that is how she learns how to grown like the tree. Yet it was a very strong moment for her and telling Rachelle because she was dating the guy who did stuff to her in the woods.
      All in all, Melinda turned out to be a strong person because of telling Rachelle of what happened. Even if the timing wasn't a good time, at least she told her. And thankfully Rachelle helped her out after a few talking with some people. Once everything was done with, she wasn't a weak, frail tree anymore. It looks like she was really going to get through the rest of high school, no matter what comes up.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! I love how you explained the tree and how it relates! For sure I would give this a 10 :)
