Monday, February 6, 2012


Author's Note: I wrote this piece about how Melinda is in the book "Speak".            
        Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson is about a girl named Melinda Sordino that is now a freshman at Merryweather High. She is very depressed in this book, not just because she lost her best friends from last year. Or that now she goes to a new school, with her ex-best friends. Something happened to her that is making her have flashback and very distinct memories. It was because of her calling the cops at a party thrown by cheerleaders with a lot of alcohol. Something happened to her that is making her have flashback and very distinct memories.
        Melinda reminds me of Emily in “Lipstick Apology”, by Jennifer Jabaley. She gets very depressed after a tragic incident that affected her life. Just like Melinda and the incident that happened to her. Even though Emily got over her depression, Melinda hasn’t yet totally overcome it. Reason being is because she is a very closed person and doesn’t tell people about what happened to her in 8th grade at the party.

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