Monday, February 20, 2012

The Life of Being Bullied

Author’s Note: This essay is about how I compare to Melinda. The purpose is to show how bullying can relate to everyone and how Melinda and I relate to the actions we came upon.
                Melinda is hated by people all around her. Not knowing who is pure and who is not. Many people, including myself,  know how it is feeling like the character Melinda from Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. I believe that everyone is similar to her. She is hated by her old friends and people that she doesn’t even know. Reason being is because she called the cops at a party. Causing some people to get arrested, people ignore her and make her life miserable. I can relate to this because I have been hated by a group of people, this little group of people were my friends. Some of them are still my friends, kind of like Rachelle and Melinda at the end, they start to somewhat reunite. But this group, they ruined my life in school.
                First of all, Melinda and I acted upon the situation the same way. An example would be not going to school one day. I stayed home one day telling my parents I was sick, same with Melinda. But Melinda just ditched school, which I did not. Another example would be trying to find people. Luckily I was already friends with a wide span of people. Heather was Melinda’s new Rachelle. Even though she got dumped by her, I am still friends with the ones to this day.
                Nevertheless, going back to the group you were in would be hard for anyone. Knowing they started rumors about you and made more and more people dislike you. Good thing Melinda didn’t go back in, neither did I. It would have been a regret going back. Yet you can still be friends with some of them, some of them aren’t worth it. For Melinda, Rachelle was the one worth going back to. She spoke up and talked to her. Something I have done too. With one of my friends I let out my feelings to the situation she was involved with. Letting go and speaking your mind while knowing that they are still part of that group is a big step, yet I managed to do it, same with Melinda. Even though the group split up, it was still there at the school Melinda goes to.
                Near the end of Melinda’s dreadful year, you start to realize that she can be compared to about anyone. I can relate her to more than just myself. People get bullied and get hated by their friends. Life is like that for people all around the world. No one has to live the way Melinda did though, same with the girl from the movie “Cyber Bully”. She is bullied and her social life is destroyed, just like Melinda. Have you ever lost friends like Melinda and myself?

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