Thursday, February 9, 2012

"I cut class, you cut class"

Author’s Note: I wrote this piece to show my feelings for a quote from the book “Speak” that was quoted by Melinda Sordino. It shows my feelings towards how her character changed and how I interoperated it from when I read it.
"Conjugate this; I cut class, you cut class, he, she, it cuts class. We cut class, they cut class. We all cut class. I cannot say this in Spanish because I did not go to Spanish today. Gracias a dios. Hasta luego.” Melinda Sordino thought to herself in the book Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. This quote tells you what she is doing at the moment, cutting class. It is also showing the thoughts of what Melinda had about Language Arts and Spanish class because those are the two classes she is talking about.
This quote also shows a conflict between Melinda and herself because she is cutting class; something she never does. But the reason why she cut class might have been because she was done with school and because of what Heather told her before, “When you get through this Life Sucks phase, I’m sure lots of people will want to be your friend. But you just can’t cut classes or not show up to school. What’s next—hanging out with the dopers?” So Melinda might have cut class because of Heather. She might have not intentionally desired to but when people bring stuff in your mind, you often attend to think about it. But then you sometimes do what they say, which might be why Melinda cut class and thought the quote about cutting class.
After all, Melinda cutting class shows her changing throughout the book. Since this is something she doesn’t really do. So therefore this quote shows a change in the character of Melinda. It isn’t a big change in her character but it does show the meaning she was going for, and that is cutting class to go and get away from everything. This, in a way, is a big step for her because that is something the reader might not have thought she would do. Overall, it is showing the person she is now developing to become.

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