Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Following your Heart

Author’s Note: While reading this you will see my own type of ‘Cinderella Story’. This piece is written based on the organization of the writing rubric.
Getting ready for prom is something every girl thinks about their whole life in high school. But the main dream is having the perfect guy taking you there with the picture perfect dress. One thing was missing in Lulu’s story, her dream guy.
                Walking through the hallways of Whitewood High School for Lulu is devastating. Watching all of happy couples stroll through the halls as if they are the only ones there. Then there is Lulu and her friend Lidia. Lidia is a beautiful blonde with sea foam green eyes. She is one of the most perfect girls at Whitewood. Lulu always feels weird walking with her down the halls, even though they have been friends with each other since kindergarten. Lulu was as beautiful as Lidia, but with brown hair and sky blue eyes. It might have been because Lidia always has the guys around her and Lulu can never talk to a guy ever since her father had passed away. The only guy she is able to talk to is her best guy friend, Luke. He was a devilishly handsome guy with no imperfections, brown hair that mimics a Justin Bieber, sparkly deep brown eyes.
                “Hey, Lulu!” shouted Luke down the hallway. He was racing trying to catch up to her.
                “Hey, what’s up?” 
                “Nothing. Um you know Ethan right? Oh of course you do! You’ve been obsessing over him ever sense you saw him in 8th grade.” Luke was laughing as he said that. Lulu was confused. Why had he brought him up? He knew she liked him. He was gorgeous! Almost as perfect as Luke. They looked similar but blonde, brown eyes. He was the most popular guy in school. The only thing Lulu couldn’t seem to figure out why he had brought this up now, he knew about this since 8th grade!
                 “Where are you going with this?” Questions she kept wondering until he answered the question.
                “He was talking about you to me because he knows you, me and Lidia are all best friends and stuff. So he was wondering if you still had a date to the dance in a few weeks.”
                “Prom?” Lulu was trembling the words out of her mouth. He wants to go to prom with me? Lulu Hastings? Me? A girl that is on the opposite end of the popularity scale?
                “Yeah.” Luke said forcing a smile. Something was wrong here.
                “What did you tell him?”
                “ Well. I told him that you will think about it and get back to him by the end of the day today.”
                “Come with me? Please. I need you and I can’t seem to find Lidia. Where could she have gone? Ugh, oh well we can find her later.” As Lulu and Luke went off down the hallway trying to look for Lidia, they finally found her. She was with a guy talking.
                “Yes Caleb, I will” Lidia did her perfect smile that showed all of her pearly white teeth.
                “Cool, catch’ a later Lidia” Caleb left and grouped with his friends nodding yes.
                “Oh hey guys, guess what!” Lidia was all happy and looked like she just won the lottery.
                “Did he just ask you to prom?!” This was perfect; Lidia has wanted him to ask her sense freshman year. The only thing bad about this was that Lulu didn’t have a date and neither did Luke.
                “Yes! We should all go dress and tux shopping this weekend!” Lidia raced out of her mouth with the ear to ear grin.
                “Could we go after school Lid?” Luke asked.
                “If you drive” Lulu said. It was a plan. But the only thing about this was Lulu still had to find Ethan. Her heart was racing and mind was pounding with thoughts with what he meant by if she had a date yet.  
                After fourth period Lulu saw Ethan and he saw her. He walked up right next to her. “Hey, what’s up?” His smile showed his perfect teeth.
                “Oh, you know nothing much.” Lulu was blushing and heart racing. “You?”
                “Nothing. Hey uh would you wanna go to prom with me? Or do you have a date already?”
                “Me?” AHH! “Yeah, I’d like that.” Lulu gave him a cute little toothy smile.
                “Cool. Call you later, Lulu.”
                “Okay, sounds good.” She finally was asked to prom with the guy of her dreams. Or at least she thought it was her dream guy. Deep down it didn’t feel right that she was going to prom with Ethan. It just didn’t seem right. But what was it? She couldn’t put her finger on it.
                Luke came up behind Lulu. “AHHH! Don’t do that, you scared me!” both laughing.
                “Ha I’m sorry. So, are you going to prom with him?”
                “Yes! Can you believe it?”
                “Well Lulu, you are the most beautiful girl in our grade.” Luke blushed and gave her a shy smile.
                “Awe, thank you Luke,” Lulu and Luke and this point were blushing and smiling at one another. Luckily Lidia came and saved them.
                “Uh Earth to Luke and Lulu” Lidia was laughing while watching them.
                “Lidia! Ethan and me are going to the dance!!!”
                “OMG no way! That’s awesome, isn’t that Luke?”
                “Uh yeah, sure whatever I mean it’s a guy, not a million dollars.”
                “Luke! Lulu has been waiting for this since 8th grade. Be supportive at least.”
                “No, it’s fine, I mean his two dates aren’t going with him anymore because they got asked. Oh! Idea. Luke, how would you like to go with a girl that we know you’ve liked for uh EVER?!”
                “Emily? No she wouldn’t even want to be seen with me even if nobody else was around.”
                “Not true. She’s in my 3rd period class and she brought up my tall handsome brunette friend.” Lidia nodded her head in the direction Emily was coming in. “Ask her, now while you have your chance.”
                “No, what would she want with a guy like me?”
                “Luke, you are like perfect!” Lulu cried out.
 In Luke’s mind he was thinking not perfect enough for you to say no to Ethan and go with me, which is really what I wanted not some girl that I think is hot.  “Sure, I’ll show you two that she’ll say no and prove that she wouldn’t be caught dead with me anywhere.” As Luke walked over to ask Emily, he started to feel uncomfortable. He knew Lidia and Lulu were watching him. Here goes nothing he thought to himself. “Hey Emily, I have a question” he said before he did a hair flip.
“Yeah?” Emily was a gorgeous girl that was completely flawless, but so was Lulu. Luke had no clue how to approach Emily because she was popular, she could get whatever guy she wanted. She had all of the guys over her, which is why Luke knew that if he told Lidia and Lulu that he had a crush on her that it wouldn’t be questioned. It would be a ‘figures you would like her, all of the guys like her’ moment.
“So I was thinking, would you maybe want to go to prom with me if you haven’t been asked already?” Did I really just say that? Did that even sound right to her?
“Yes! I was kinda hoping you would ask me” she gave him a cute little toothy smile with a sparkle in her eye.
“Yeah, I mean Luke, you are perfect and so sweet. Anyone would want to. I’m lucky it’s me.” It was final. Luke and Emily are going to prom together.
                As Luke walked back he gave the girls a thumbs up and they ran to go give him a hug. “See? Was it really that hard? Now we are all going to the dance with people we wanted to. Could this get any better?” Lidia said then gave them a tight squeeze.
                “So, wanna go pick out your dresses now?” Luke said while walking out of the school heading to his car as Lidia and Lulu followed.
                As they were looking for dresses Emily and her friends came in through the door. “Oh Luke! Do you want to help me pick out my dress and I’ll help you with your tie?” She have him a sly smile that made him smile back.
                “Yeah sounds good. Lidia, Lulu, do you mind?” Both girls shaking their heads and shooing him off to help her.
                “Hey should I call Caleb and you call Ethan and they can help us?”
                “Yeah sure” they both picked up their phones and called them up. Ten minutes later the guys showed up with their friends and their friends dates. “Hi Ethan” Lulu said.
                “Hey Lulu, nice dress you look cute in it,” Ethan’s smile always gave Lulu the butterflies, even though she wasn’t quite sure if he was the dream guy that should be taking her to the dream dance.
                “Thanks,” blushing while going into the dressing room to take it off and look for more. Lidia and Caleb went off into their own world of picking out dresses and talking about what tux and tie he should wear. “Do you want to have your tie match my dress or no?”
                “Yeah, I was thinking yellow or purple because you look so adorable in those colors” Ethan was so sweet even though they hardly ever talk besides in class when they were partners or when he had questions on the assignment.
                “Okay” Lulu was stilling blushing and thinking of what to say next. Luckily he said something.
                “Try this one on, I think you would look cute in it” smiled and let her off. When she walked out of the dressing room, he froze and said “I think this should be the one. You look absolutely perfect in it.”
                “You really think so?” Lulu looked in the mirror and had to agree with him. She looked like a princess in it. She finally had the dream dress and dream guy for the dream dance. Everything was complete. But why didn’t it feel right?            
                “So what color were you thinking of?” Luke asked Emily as she was searching through all of the dresses on the rack.
                “Hm, I was thinking black, red, or orange. What do you think?”
                “I’m thinking this one,” Luke pulled of a black dress that had black sequence on the straps and look so elegant.
                “I think that one too” Emily took the dress and went to tried it on. When she walked out she looked perfect. Her long dark brown and tan skin looked flawless with the dress. It was the one. So she bought it and went to go look for Luke’s tux and tie.
                While Lidia and Caleb were off flirting while picking out dresses. They decided on a white dress with silver glitter on the bottom to create a beautiful look with her hair and features. So Caleb bought a black tux with a silver tie to go with her dress.
                Lulu saw Luke and couldn’t take her eyes off of him. She kept thinking what if Luke is the dream guy for me and Ethan is who I would hope it would be and pictured it to be? But my heart knows it’s him? But I shouldn’t be thinking this because he looks happy with Emily and I seem pretty happy with Ethan. Ugh, I’ll just see how it works out.
                “Lulu, come here,” Ethan was holding up a purple tie that matched the dress.  It was almost too perfect. But yet it was a good type of too perfect, like it was a dream that was coming true. But a conflict was occurring that had Lulu all confused. Is it Ethan or Luke? That was the main question she kept thinking to herself.
                “I love it. It’s perfect!” Lulu gave her a smile then turned her head and gazed at Luke. Come on Lulu; take your eyes off of him. He is Emily’s and Ethan is yours. Finally yours! Something you wanted since 8th grade. Be happy. But she couldn’t. She finally knew that she has liked Luke ever since kindergarten when they met. Fate finally knocked on her door. The only question was is Luke had the same feelings.
                Lulu knew she had to forget the feelings she had for him until prom was over. Then is the time she will tell him the true feelings, unless it slips out before and she can’t       help it.
                “Oh Luke, you are so funny!” Emily laughed as they both left the store to go get Luke’s tux and tie. Lulu was questioning if this was all just a little ‘let’s play a joke on Luke because he is attractive and sweet but he is such a loser’ joke. If it was, Emily was dead in Lulu’s mind.
                After they all met up and everyone had what they needed for prom, they went to eat in the food court. “What do you want, hun, I’ll pay,” OMG! Ethan is like the sweetest guy on Earth! But so is Luke. Ugh! Lulu, think! You like Ethan, not Luke. Wait no you like Luke but you are hiding it.
                “You don’t have to buy it for me. But thank you, Ethan.”
                “No, I insist” Ethan let out his hand and Lulu took it. They both walked around the food court until they found a place to eat then sat down. The rest of the group joined them about ten minutes later. Lulu felt awkward at the moment Luke and her eyes met and stayed there for what seemed like forever. So quickly she looked away and blushed at Ethan.  
                “So what does your dress look like Lulu?” Lidia asked completely ignoring Emily.
                “It’s purple, yours? And what about you Emily?”
                “White” Lidia smiled and then looked at Caleb.
                “Mine is gorgeous! It’s black,” Emily chimed in. Luke put his arm around her and smiled. She was trying to fit in and he knew it. She was just so different from the rest of them. Even Ethan, a popular guy. But even he could find his way to act like he was best friends with them.
                After they were all done they decided to split up and shop around. Once they were done with that Lidia went to Lulu’s house to decide on the hair and makeup sense prom was only two weeks away and there was no messing around. They were looking up pictures and hair tutorials on Youtube until they found what they were looking for.
                Lidia went with an elegant loose curled half up half do hair do with silver smokey eyes to compliment her dress. And a silver headband that would look perfect with her blonde hair. Lastly a light pinkish nude lipstick that would look flawless with her skin.
                Lulu went with wavy hair that would make her super long hair look a little shorter. A beautiful headband that had sparkles on it. The makeup was a little natural with a brown smokey eye and nude lips with a little shimmer in it. As they both tried the look on them with the dress on. They both looked like princesses.
                It was the night of prom. Lulu went to Lidia’s house and Ethan, Luke and Emily came two hours later. Everyone looked so perfect. Emily looked like she was a goddess in her dress. Makeup and hair done like a pro. No imperfections what so ever.
                When Lulu and Lidia walked down the stairs everyone was astonished by the way they looked, almost too perfect to be true. After they were done with pictures, the limo showed up to pick them up. They took a few pictures in front of it and the rest inside of it.               
                Lulu’s heart was beating. It was prom night! Her high school dream night. Finally as they came up to the hotel’s ball room the school rented, everyone was gathering outside. Everyone looked perfect! It was everything everyone imagined it would be. Well minus Lulu. She 100% wanted Luke, no doubt about it. She knew when and where to tell him.
                After dinner, everyone went to the dance floor. Lulu and Ethan were dancing near the middle. Could this be any more perfect? Lulu thought to herself. Oh yeah, it could be if I was here with Luke.
                “Would you mind if I danced with Lidia? Haha I mean like we are best friends and who doesn’t want a dance with their best friend?” Lulu asked. Ethan said yes and let her off. Lulu told her the whole story of what she was going to do.
                “Do it. I should have told you this a while ago but, Luke, he likes you, a lot. Like a lot a lot.” Lidia went on telling Lulu about how Luke only asked Emily because that’s what Lulu wanted, and how he liked her sense freshman year.
                “Freshman year? Really? Why didn’t I notice?”
                “Because, Lulu, he knew these feelings weren’t real. But they were. He came over one day and told me all of this. I was shocked! But I knew it could happen and I told him this. Make both of your hearts be happy.”
                What Lidia said helped motivate Lulu. Lulu went back to Ethan and danced, talked, laughed a little with him. Then she told him how she promised a dance with Luke and he could dance with Emily. So she went off to find Luke. He was sitting by himself at one of the tables.
                “Hey,” Lulu smiled and had butterflies starting in her stomach.
                “Hi,” he smiled back then looked around for Emily.
                “Where’s Emily?”
                “She went to the bathroom,” Luke’s voice sounded sad and heartbroken.
                “Oh, uh do you want to dance? There’s something I have to tell you.” They went out to dance floor and started slow dancing.
                “So what is it that you need to tell me?” He was beginning to get happy.
                “Luke, I uh, I like you. A lot and I don’t know I was going to tell you this. I didn’t even know if I was going to tell you at all. But I decided to. And…” Luke cut her off.
                “Lulu, I know how it is. Ever sense freshman year actually, and I’ve wanted to do this for awhile” he pulled her in closer and kissed her. It was passionate. Lulu looked up into his eyes and smiled. It was magic. They finally followed their heart. “Would you wanna maybe go out sometime?”
                “Yes, I would love that,” they danced for a little longer then went to go find their dates.
                “There you are,” Ethan smiled then kissed her check. Both smiled at one another.
                “Ethan, why did you want to go to prom with me? You could have asked any girl, yet you picked me. Why is that?”
                “That’s an easy answer. I like you. You are everything a guy could ever want. Beautiful, smart, funny, nice, and adorable, everything!”
                “Oh” Lulu managed to get out.
                “I know. It isn’t the best answer but it’s true.”
                “Oh” say something besides ‘oh’! “I see.”
                “I was hoping you would maybe feel the same way?”    
                “Ethan, I like someone else. But you asking me to prom is just amazing. It’s what I wanted since 8th grade!”
                “Yes. But now I just don’t know what to do. I have feelings for Lu- someone else and I don’t know if I do for you or it’s just you are such an amazing guy and makes it seem right. But I just don’t know what to do.”
                “Do want you want. Not what the guy wants. Even though I want you to be with me, but if you are happier with the other guy. Which is?”
                “Ah, I see. Choose him, trust me. He deserves you.”
                “How so?”
                “You too have chemistry when you are with one another. You may not see it, but everyone else does. I should have known.”
                “Are you mad?”
                “I’m not mad if you’re happy with him. I’m disappointed that it isn’t me but you never know. Someday I’ll have a Lulu and Luke romance” they both started laughing. Then Ethan game Lulu another kiss on the check. “Go find him, I can dance with Emily.”
                Lulu went off to get Luke. She saw him sitting next to Emily. She ran up to him, thankfully Emily wasn’t there and she was talking to a friend right next to her. Lulu tapped Luke on the shoulder. He stood up and glanced in her eyes. They kissed each other again. As before, sparks were made.
                Prom was finally over. Lidia, Luke, and Lulu all hung out after at Luke’s house. Lidia knew that she was the third wheel. So she went into the other room giving them their space.            
                “I don’t really know how to ask this but, would you like to be my girlfriend?”      
                “Yes, I would” smiling at one another then another kiss came. He is perfect Lulu thought to herself. Why didn’t I realize this before? All of these years of miss that one thing I needed, Luke.
                The next day they went on a double date with Lidia and her new boyfriend, Caleb. Everyone was happy and everything was perfect. Lidia and Lulu had their dream guys and they were happy. Life couldn’t be any more perfect.

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