Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mr. Obi

Author's Note: Reading this essay you will find out my thought of what the villagers would have said to Mr. Obi in a letter if they wrote it after what he did.
Dear Mr. Obi,
The community believes that you have devastated the lives of everyone, which is why we demolished your hedges and flowers. What you have done is wrong. You must be respectful of us and not just think of yourself. The path you closed down is something you shouldn't have done. All of us villagers are very fed up with you. Yes, you might have had successful ideas in beautifying the school, but you should have planned them out more thoroughly.
Hopefully you learned a valuable lesson that you can remember the next time you get an important job.  A lesson you should have learned from this is that you must learn how to respect the village and people living in it as well as the ancestors of this community before you go ruining the lives of everyone else.  This path was our way to respect our ancestor's burial grounds.  You made no attempt to allow us a means to get there.  You made no attempt to work cooperatively with us.  It is a shame.
If you haven't learned a lesson from this then I shall be shaking my head in disbelief because of the outcome of what you did and the feelings that surround you. Just to let you know once again, make sure you plan out what the outcomes of things might be before you make something official.

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