Monday, October 3, 2011

Extended Ending for “Casey at the Bat”

Author’s note: This is the extended ending for “Casey at the Bat”, it about what happened after he struck out.

After Casey struck out, the whole stadium looked frozen. No sound or movement was seen, for the team has lost the game. Mudville was no longer happy with Casey, so Casey left and was never seen again. Mudville had won their following games for now on; unlike that day he was up at bat and struck out.
            Why wouldn’t you try to swing at all the pitches you have the chance too? It would be smart if you did, there are no second chances, once you have gotten two strikes and you’re on your last. For Casey has made the worst mistake in his life, to try and showboat but not succeed and strikeout. Not only did he just strike out, but he caused his team a loss all because he was cocky. Being cocky isn’t going to get you anywhere, and he has yet to learn this trait.
            We all still wonder what would have happened if Casey tried for all of the pitches. Would he have made contact with this floating sphere, or would he have still struck out? No one will ever know because of his acts to try and show off.

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