Friday, October 14, 2011

Why Less Homework is Better

Authors Note: This writing piece is about how I believe that less homework is better for students and teachers.

Why is it that we students have so much homework? When students have less homework, they tend to have less stress, more sleep, and more time to learn new subjects. Even though many people may disagree, I believe that the schools that give out less homework can help students and teachers by giving out less stress and having more time to learn more subjects.
            First off, giving more homework leads onto more stress to the students, sometimes it even keeps them up longer than what is needed. I know many students, including me, have stayed up past 10:00 P.M. just to finish homework that didn’t seem as needed. The more homework a student receives, adds more stress on them. When a student has to do more homework than what they have thought, they won’t be as prepared for school and have enough sleep to get them though the day. All because of all of the homework they were given.
            In addition students have lives after school and have family things or sports. After school, I have sports or family things. So when I have a lot of homework I have to do, sometimes I don’t get it done properly because I am rushing to get it done. Or I forget to do it and have to rush because I have to complete it. Also students may keep that going as a habit, a very bad one.
            Furthermore, a lot of homework means a lot more work for teachers too, because they are the ones who have to grade it. Also, because it takes away learning time for the students. Having less time in class to learn the lesson is awful. I know from experience in math. If we have a lot of homework and must correct it the next day, that takes about 20 to 30 minutes out of class. I should know because in math most of the hour is correcting homework and then we have to go though the problems some students didn’t get right. I understand that it may be important, but other times it is pointless and everyone seems to find that out.
            I strongly believe that having less homework is better for the students, as well as the teachers. For a variety of reasons like, after school activities, stress and sleep, and taking away learning time for the students. Having less homework should be looked at because I know that it does change the learning abilities for the students.

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