Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are You Proud of Your Country?

Author’s Note: Reading this Essay will show you how proud I am of my country.
Yes, I am proud of my country. We have come a long way ever sense we became a country. Even though we have our ups and downs, we try to come up with solutions. Yet some I don’t agree with. It still turns out well. This country is one that tries so hard to become better.
Other than being proud of my country, there are times when I don’t even think we are a country. When I see everything that is going on, like fights and murders, I start to realize we aren’t a peaceful country.  Someday I would hope that changes. If it doesn’t, I would hope that America would at least have lower murders.
But besides all of the negatives and positives of my country, I am still proud of it because of how far we have gotten in the past several years. Thanks to everyone that has tried so hard to make living in America better.

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