Monday, June 6, 2011

Hero of the Year Award Announcement

Swimming isn't a fear for William O. Douglas anymore. For he has won 'Hero of the Year' award, he will be presented this honorable award July 10th on MTV. This young man has come a long way to receive this award. For William saved a life of Justin Bieber in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida.
The reason Justin Bieber had to be saved as because Selena Gomez pushed him off of the canoe they were in. Rumors say that she found another man that wasn't 3 years younger than her. Also rumors say that she decided he was better than her and wanted to be the top and no one else could stop her. She wanted attention as well. Her thoughts were that she could get attention from her boyfriend’s death and become the new 'It' girl. Boy, she was wrong. Luckily William saved his life and is being presented an award for 'Hero of the Year' because he has saved the idol pop star while having an old phobia of water.
As a young boy he was thrown into a pool at his local YMCA and nearly drowned.  Thankfully he wasn't scared to save Justin's life. Yet a few years after William's tragic accident, he decided to take swimming lessons and became one of the best swimmers in town. This is the reason why he was brave enough to save Justin from the choppy waves of the Atlantic Ocean.
Remember folks to watch William be presented this award July 10th on MTV. Thank you, again, William O. Douglas for saving Justin Bieber and congratulations on winning this marvelous award.

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