Friday, June 3, 2011

Overcoming Your Fear Essay

Imagine getting tossed around like clothes in the dyer at a young age by the large waves as your father is laughing is not a good experience as a child. Being thrown into a YMCA pool and nearly drowning at the bottom isn’t as well. This is what happens in “Deep Waters”, by William O. Douglas. “Deep Water” will teach you many lessons as you read about William’s life story about his fear, which may also encourage you to overcome a fear you have.
            While reading this short story, you will hopefully be taught many things including to overcoming your fears. In the story, the character has to overcome his fear about water. A fear that I have to overcome is my fear of clowns; I’m very terrified of them, and I soon hope that I will overcome my fear of clowns. The character in the story, William, is very brave towards the end. He was courageous enough to go in the water, as an adult, even though he had someone support him while he swam. William was a very strong and brave person to go in the water after his experiences.
            Throughout the story you will read about a bully that was practically William effect’s cause of nearly drowning. When you are reading this story about the author’s life, you will read exactly how William felt at the moment as he describes the feelings he had at the time, as well as what he was feeling and seeing at the moment he was sinking to the bottom of the pool. I have been at the bottom of a pool and it’s very difficult to hold your breath compared to closer up on the surface of the water. William didn’t really know he was going to be thrown into the water, the very second he was, so most likely he didn’t breath in enough oxygen to come back up to the surface. The only thing that made it worse was that William isn’t a very good swimmer.
            Facing your fears is not the easiest thing to do. You should always try to overcome them, like William, because he swam and never imagined he would go in water again after his life changing incidents.

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