Friday, June 3, 2011

Memories Essay

Imagine going up the side of the Rocky Mountains in an RV and the road you are traveling up is narrow and very rocky. While you are being driven up, all you want to do is get out because of the harsh road and the view of the RV side dangling off the edge of the mountain side. This has to be one of my favorite memories I have. Whenever I think about it, all of the great memories pop up in my mind. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to Colorado and live those experiences over again.
                Those memorizing experiences I had while on that trip were absolutely wonderful to me. Seeing the mountain everywhere in sight is something very difficult for me to forget because of the views I saw. When my mother’s side of the family, who I went with, was driving almost every turn we took we saw rock climbers. I somewhat tried rock climbing, and even though I didn’t have the special ropes, I managed to get about seven feet above ground.
                While we were driving we stopped in a town called Boulder, Colorado. Boulder has the best store I’ve been in. And that would be El Loro Jewelry & Clog Co. has bracelets, earrings, clogs, and a lot more wonderful things. I would recommend this store to who ever goes to Boulder, Colorado.
                Besides going to Boulder, we went to Steamboat Springs, Colorado.  While we were there we saw a very fascinating rodeo that was neat to watch and I would love to go and watch one very soon. That is something everyone should do because of the excitement that occurs. Yet it can be intense to watch when the bull kicks the person off of their back and almost crushes the person. Thankfully it rarely happens, but it did for me and the man luckily got away in time.

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