Monday, May 14, 2012

Is It Really the End

Author’s Note: This essay is an extended ending to Until the End, by Christopher Pike. The purpose is to show what I believe will happen to the characters after what happened in the book. I will also use a few quotes from the book to help show some emotions the character has.
                It was a long ride in the car for Jessica. She was sitting next to Michael. Bubba and Nick where in the front of the truck, as Michael, Jessica, Claire, and Maria were in the back. This was going to happen; they were going to Las Vegas to get hitched, along with Maria and Nick, and Bubba and Claire. The ride was loud, it was giving Jessica a headache but she still was happy because Michael named his comet after her. “Hey, can we stop somewhere?” Jessica asked Nick who was driving.
                “Yeah, anywhere in particular?”
                “Uh no not really. Just anywhere that might have food and a restroom is fine.” She smiled then looked at Michael. Then she decided to take a little nap on his lap until they got there.
                About an hour later they stopped at a Wal-Mart in the lower part of Nevada. Michael helped Jessica get out of the car, along with Maria and Claire.
                “Michael, can you come with me to call Polly to make sure she is going to the mental hospital soon?”
                “Of course I can. Did your parents say it was okay for her to stay at your house until she goes to college?”
                “Yeah, they are fine with it. They love Polly.” Jessica took out her phone and started to dial. It was ringing. Then she heard someone pick up.
                “Hello?” it was Polly.
                “Hey Polly, it’s Jessica. Are you going to the hospital yet?”
                “Yeah, we are just about to leave. Thank you for everything you have done for me. It means a lot.” Polly started to cry. Jessica had a tear running down that Michael wiped away with his sleeve.
                “Polly, remember that I will visit you every day when I get back. Love you and be safe.” They said good-bye and hung up.
                Michael and Jessica went inside Wal-Mart and got a snack for the ride.  “Only a few more hours until we reach Las Vegas” Michael said smiling at Jessica.
                “Good, I am sick of being in that car all scrunched up” Jessica giggled then looked at her phone to see what time it was. It was 9:32 and they would make Las Vegas hopefully before midnight.
                As they came to the giant sign that read ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ Jessica remembered she had said to Michel before while they were walking along the beach “Maybe I should marry you”. She kept rethinking what she said. Jessica wasn’t joking about it, but she wondered if Michael had thought she was. But sooner or later she would find out.
                When they all got out of the car and got their luggage, they walked into the hotel/casino. All amazed at the décor the place had. Colors were everywhere, lights glowing, people dancing, and the sound of people winning or losing their money.  We all checked into our rooms and the rest was history from there on. I was Jessica Olson now.

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