Friday, April 27, 2012


        Cancer is a very powerful thing that takes over the lives of many people. While researching breast cancer and how the mitosis treatments are done, I feel as if they are getting further into finding the best cure for it. Even though cancer can come back later on after doing the treatments, people are lucky to be free of it for the first few months or even years. As you can see later on, mitosis is a powerful cell that can change someone’s life in just one mistake done by the cell.
      First off, the definitions of mitosis are“1. Sequential differentiation and segregation of replicated chromosomes in a cell nucleus that precedes complete cell division. 2. The number of chromosomes is retained in both daughter cells” (Mifflin). These daughter cells are made up of five stages in cancer. The five stages are these (in order); Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and lastly Telophase.
Furthermore, the five stages are semi complex. Prophase is the chromosomes condense. The Prometaphase is when chromosomes attach to splindles (Nuclear envelope breaks down). Metaphase is when the chromosomes align on the metaphase plate (cell's midline). Anaphases are when chromosomes separate are pulled apart into daughter chromosomes. Lastly Telophase is finally when the chromosomes relax then the nucleus re-forms and the cell pinches in two (cytokinesis).  (IUPUI Department of Biology).
All in all, there are various discoveries about cancer cells and treatments, including how they work. But first you need to know that “The cancer cells proliferate to form mass of cancer cells called a tumor. As the tumor grows larger, it begins to release proteins from the cell to attract new blood vessel growth (this is called "angiogenesis"). At point the tumor contains ~ 1 million cells and is about the size of a 'bb'” (IUPUI Department of Biology). So two goals that they use during the treatment is to remove the primary, or original, tumor usually by giving surgery to the cancer patient. Then the second goal is to kill off any cancer cells that might still be in the body (Majure). Basically what I already knew was that they kill off the cells, good and bad, which then leads to the patients’ hair loss, because of the cell killing. Yet I feel as if they could find a way to only kill the specific cells that are causing the cancer in the person. For now, though, it is fine because of the way it has saved lives of loved ones. Also because the good cells with come back soon.
Furthermore, (breast) cancer has a lot of processes that occur during the treatments. More and more discoveries are happening while scientists get more into the mitosis cells. So, as you can see, mitosis is a cell that five stages. As well as the knowledge of the process the treatment is proceeded as.

IUPUI Department of Biology. 14 February 2000. 17 April 2012 <>.
Majure, Janet. Brest Cancer. Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2000.
Mifflin, Houghton. "Mitosis." Mifflin, Houghton. Websters's || New College Dictionary. Boston: Margert S. Berube, 2005. 1518.

Monday, April 23, 2012

He Left Her All Alone

Author’s Note: This essay is about Where the Heart Is, by Billie Letts causes and effects of Willy Jack leaving Novalee at Wal-Mart. The purpose of this essay is to as well inform how I think certain people changed the life of Novalee and helped her though everything she is going through. This essay is also what I would like to be graded on the writing rubric.
                The definition of stranded is left behind, which is exactly what Willy Jack did to Novalee. He left her stranded at Wal-Mart. He ditched his non-born baby as well as his 17 year old pregnant girlfriend. Willy Jerk should be his name! Novalee was left there just like an unwanted puppy you see in cardboard boxes on the side of the street, sad, lonely, lost, and hopeless.
                First thing you do imagine yourself being left all alone at Wal-Mart, just like Novalee from Where the Heart Is, by Bille Letts. She was 17 years old and being 7 months pregnant, just like Novalee is. Where would you go? I know where she went, Wal-Mart. This is where she lives. She has met a lady named Sister Brother there during the day. Sister Brother has helped her though the war Novalee has been going through with herself. Yet I wonder what life would be like is Willy Jack hadn’t left her. Would he still be a jerk? Or would be finally have a soul and care for her once again? We will never know, we can only guess.
                Even thought becoming all alone and being so young of age, it can really change a person. It has changed Novalee dramatically. She has Sister Husband, Forney, and Americus to help her though. They all help her out with different aspects of her growing up into an adult. Sister Husband helps her with being a mother and skills of being an adult. Forney, in my eyes, helps her with the struggles of Willy Jack and leaving her. Then Americus has helped her love. Since Americus is her baby, she helps her with being a mother as well.
              In conclusion of Willy Jack leaving Novalee, you realize that the effect was the Novalee changed and got a better life its seems like. Yet if you really think about it, Wily Jack leaving Novalee might have been the best thing to happen, for the both of them, including Americus.