Monday, June 4, 2012

Be Real

Be real please. Don't change yourself. Be yourself and no one else. Be real throughout your life. Don’t be fake. Some people think that they need to be fake in order to be popular or noticed. You don’t need to be fake in order to be noticed, you need to be yourself. And to do that, you must be real.
Sometimes, I see people who use to be something completely different from what they were last year. They changed but sometimes that is okay.  Sometimes, it isn’t because they did it to impress someone in order to be noticed.
Personally, I think becoming fake is harder than being real. Being real is something everyone can do and is good at. When being fake around your peers, you might do or say something you really shouldn't do. This could change everything you have ever worked up to be. Being fake might change your future. You never know. No one knows. But only one person can prevent yourself from falling into someone who is fake and not yourself. And that person is you. Only you can change into being real. But if surrounding yourself with bad people and being fake is what you want, good luck to yourself in your future. No one wants to be friends with someone that is fake.
Also keep in mind that if you change to be fake, you might lose all of your friends who were your friends when you were real. The friends that you have when you are real, they are your real friends. They are just like you and you don’t have to change in order to impress them or to get noticed by them. Those friends that you have to act fake in front of, those are you fake friends. Reason being is because you have to act fake for them.
Remember to be real. Remember to not be fake. Be yourself and people will love you for you. Not for some fake person. People will say you have changed and maybe won’t like you anymore. Keep in mind, would you ever want to be friends with someone that is fake? I know I want to be friends with people who are real.
Thinking about this, I realize that some of my friends turned fake. I am no longer friends with them. They are friends with some people they would never be friends with. Me, I am real with the people I am around. If someone doesn’t like the real you, they can deal with that. Because the real you is way better than the fake one.