Monday, December 19, 2011

Compare and Contrast

Author’s Note: I wrote this essay to show the comparison and contrasting between these two books. These are what I believe to be the main compares and contrasts with what I know and read.

Reading through the books “The Help”, by Kathryn Stockett and “Finishing Becca”, by Ann Rinadli, you start to realize that these two books have a lot of similarities, as well as differences. While comparing and contrasting, you see that both have one major thing in common working for a family. Seeing through the two books and finding something alike and different can be done. Especially because they both have working for a family be one. But, as you think outside of the box when these two books take setting in different time eras.  
             First off, the main thing that these two books have in common would be that it deals with being a maidservant or slave to people. The people that own the maidservant or slave can either be the kindest people to them, or be rude and care nothing about them and only themselves. A scene from “The Help” that shows kindness towards the slave would be when the 2nd owner of Minnie sits with her at the table Minnie sits at and not the owner. The owner should be sitting in the dining room to eat, but has a respect for Minnie I feel like. Then an example in “Finishing Becca” when Sarah is kind and thoughtful to Becca because of how her sister, Peggy, treats her, this is also a sign of respect.
            In addition to being kind and generous to the slave or maidservant, they can be quite rude. An example in “The Help” would be when the owner of Abilene fires her because the 1st owner of Minnie forces her to. This is giving an example of disrespect from the 1st owner of Minnie to all slaves even though they are well respected in the family, just like how Abilene was. And example in “Finishing Becca” of when the owner of Becca is disrespecting all of Becca’s rights is right away when Becca starts her job and when Peggy’s mother leaves the room. Peggy is torturing Becca with the mind. She is telling her a bunch of nonsense that she never should have said to her like threats.
            Although these books have many things in common, there are a handful of things that are not similar what so ever. My main example is that in “The Help” they don’t have any say at all to what goes on. This causes the reason for the book to be made by Skeeter. Then in “Finishing Becca”, Becca has every right just because she had a life before becoming the maidservant for Peggy. This doesn’t cause a total conflict in the book like “The Help” does but it does make a difference between the two books.
            All in all, comparing and contrasting these two books from one another helps show the difference between these two time periods. And yet they have a lot in common more than not. There are plenty of other things I common with these two books, just you have to read both to find out the similarities and differences between them!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Peggy Shippen

Author's Note: This essay is about the climax of the novel Finishing Becca. Also the consequences Peggy will have if she keeps up with the using of people.
Dear Peggy,
You, Peggy Shippen, have set your eyes on the American general Benedict Arnold, and will do just about anything to turn him to your side. Becca, your maidservant, can only watch this in astonishment and disgust as you try to get Benedict Arnold into turning against his native country. This so happens to be the climax of this novel Finishing Becca, by Ann Rinaldi. The reason why it the climax is because it changes the war completely. And you don’t care all that much it shows, even though you do seem to care a lot of what certain people think of you. Yet, all you want is American general Benedict Arnold it sounds like.
While you are trying to get Benedict Arnold on your side, Becca is doing her best to make you happy with everything she is doing since she is your maid. You will receive consequences during your making of the “trying to change Benedict Arnold to the side you believe in” because you are trying to turn Arnold’s back on what he believes in and serves for. Only hatred will come to you in your near future.  Wish you the best of luck Peggy. Don’t try to outdo yourself just to impress a general.
Best Wishes,

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Becca Syng

Author’s note: I wrote this essay to show the point of view in this book and also to show my prediction towards the end of the book. Reading this essay will show you who is narrating the novel and what it would be like if someone else was telling the story.
                While you read the novel Finishing Becca, by Ann Rinaldi, you will notice who the narrator of this book is and whose life it is about. This happens to be Becca Syng. Becca is a girl that lives very good life style. Her father has died and her mother has remarried a man by the name of Henry Job. In the story, Becca becomes a maidservant for the Shippen family. Having this position is a whole new lifestyle for her. It is difficult for her. The reason she a maidservant is for her to learn the life of a formal person.
                In chapter six, Margret Shippen is telling Peggy about how she needs to stop asking for more and more. Becca is describing it as elegant as she is doing this. If this scene was written in Peggy’s eyes, it would be about how her mother is telling her a bunch of nonsense. Also, her mother is saying things that don’t matter, because she still thinks she can get whatever she wants.
                Yet if this novel was written by Peggy’s prospective, it would be all about her. She can tend to be selfish, but from her perspective she isn’t. Her mother tends to be awful. Her mother is trying to raise her right and teach her manners, yet Peggy doesn’t see this.  Peggy would just make the reader believe what a terrible life she has because people don’t always listen to her. She would want people to understand how she is the ruler of the house and nobody else is.
                I believe Becca will make good decisions throughout this book. Even if she is starting off with a   rough beginning at the Shippen’s house, she will turn around eventually and show them how well she can do. Maybe even Becca will help out Peggy with her love life with British Captain John Andre.